Blog Posts - Page 1
Batch convert all JPEG images in a folder to WebP with ImageMagick
Giant bandwidth savings with a tiny line of code.
Getting into medium format photography with a Mamiya 645
I recently acquired an old Mamiya 645 (original model) medium format camera with a bunch of lenses.

Happy new year - notes on 2021
Some remarks on a busy year and the stuff I listened to and played in 2021.

Even more walks in Leuven
Another batch of photos of the things we've come across on our walks in Leuven lately.

A review of potato chips flavors in Thailand
Discovering unique potato chips flavors, like Prawn Salad, Spicy Lobster, Salted Egg and Green Curry.

Walks in Leuven
Some pictures taken during a few of our many (but not enough) walks in and around Leuven these past few months.